Today a great conversation with Michael, Theresa and Hetty Baiz.    Hetty Baiz is an artist. Hetty Baiz adds a new voice to Singer’s writings about animal ethics with her large-scale collages of animals raised for food or laboratory testing. She views the mistreatment of animals raised on an industrial scale as part of the larger picture of a degrading planet.    The artist first developed a connection to plants, trees, water, insects and animals as a child, summering at her family cottage in Pennsylvania. During more recent visits, observing hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the region, she sought to express her angst and caring through animal collages – a project she had already begun, with rhinoceros, elephants, iguana and others. Baiz thought about how integral animals are to the environment. Animals are the very embodiment of nature, and yet man’s activities often lead to their extinction. She read Singer’s book and felt called to action.