Will Tuttle PhD is the author of the landmark book of our age, “The World Peace Diet”. Dr. Tuttle presents a reasoned and moral explanation for why we must evolve beyond the mythology of our ancestral herdsman culture before we can evolve.  Dr. Tuttle demystifies the essence of our rituals surrounding the very totem of our Herdsman culture; eating animal body parts and drinking other species mammary fluid as well as the storage of such mammary fluids for future ingestion in the form of cheese. Todays’ Great Conversation with Will Tuttle is an exploration of his life-enriching “The World Peace Diet”.  Host Michael reveals Will’s important contribution to the proper ethical reorientation from our environmentally damaging and emotionally damaged post-modern Herdsman culture to a culture of cooperation, abundance, Peace, non-violence and Ahimsa. Will teaches an 8 week program and offers an online monthly give and take. www.worldpeacediet.org