Today's guest Eric Weisman Development for Evolution Pet Food Corporation started in 1987 in St. Paul, MN. Founder and CEO, Eric Weisman (a former human physician) started this company after examining what went into conventional pet foods. Eric wanted healthy food for his own pets. Eric found out that only brutaly treated diseased animals and slaughterhouse waste products were and are used for meat, poultry and fish based pet foods in the US and Canada.  Eric found that the US and Canadian Governments do not require pet food companies to disclose that “diseased and not for human use animals” go into pet foods because the Meat, Poultry and Fish Pet Food Industry actually decide what labels have to say about what is in their pet foods.  Most other pet food companies do this to save money and increase profits, but not Evolution Diet Pet Foods.

The brutal, greedy Meat, Poultry and Fish Slaughterhouse Industry want to get rid of sick animals and waste at maximum profit and the Pet Food and The Farm Animal Feed Industry are exactly where they go to make it.  With Campaign Finance Money, the Meat, Poultry and Fish Slaughterhouse Industry “convince” Legislators and Senators how to decide what the government requires on pet food labels.

Eric Weisman’s Dogs and Cats were having health issues related to the diseased animals and slaughterhouse waste ingredients that were and are used in virtually all other premium and organic pet foods.  Eric decided to make a full line of “cruelty free” pet foods that had and still have absolutely no sick animals or waste parts. Eric worked with Darwin Brightsman, PhD, a World Renowned Animal Nutritionist, to formulate Evolution Diet Pet Foods. 

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