“At the end of the day, games can facilitate learning and learning is one of the most satisfying  experiences we can have.”

This week I sat down with Rafael Morado to talk about Blockchain and Game Design. I love this episode for two reasons. First, because it made me smarter, dispelling a lot of my naiveté about building games on the blockchain and second, because it all sprung from a dumb tweet I made a few weeks ago (Read the tweet and initial convo here).

Rafael is a consummate professional, he studied game design and has worked for studios like UbiSoft and the makers of Eve Online. He’s currently at Dapper Labs building games and product managing and he’s got a fantastically unique perspective as he’s begun blending those two expertises into a really unique POV in the space.

Be sure to check out MetaMedia who’s publishing and cross-sharing this show under their media-umbrella on  Twitch  and  Twitter  for their weekly live show, The Spicey Take, and their first podcast show  The Defi Download.  

I’m Zach Herring, I’m on Twitter, @ zherring , DMs are open. You know of amazing designers, researchers, or product people in the space doing dope stuff, drop me a line, let me know who I need to talk to!

Relevant Links

Find Rafael on Twitter → https://twitter.com/nagual_ape

Follow Dapper Labs → https://twitter.com/dapperlabs

Find Zach on Twitter → https://twitter.com/zherring

Cheese Wizards → https://www.cheezewizards.com/


Man, Play, and Games → https://www.google.com/books/edition/_/bDjOPsjzfC4C?hl=en

Rules of Play → https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/176698.Rules_of_Play?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=4SARd4zpZq&rank=2

Global Game Jam → https://globalgamejam.org/

Game Maker Studio → https://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker

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