Mark Jaccard is an energy and environment economist and author of The Citizen’s Guide to Climate Success.

Mark is a professor of sustainable energy in the School of Resource and Environmental Management at Simon Fraser University. Originally from Vancouver, he did his doctorate at the Institute for Energy Economics and Policy at the University of Grenoble in 1987. Offered a position at SFU upon graduation, he leapt at the chance to return to his beloved hometown with its beautiful setting of ocean and mountains. He has been at SFU ever since, except for taking a leave from 1992 to 1997 to serve as Chairman and CEO of the British Columbia Utilities Commission.

He had made significant policy contributions on energy and climate change at the national and international level.

More about: Mark Jaccard

More about: The Citizen’s Guide to Climate

Music and Audio Engineer: Avi Caplan

Marketing: Promosaurus