Herb Sinnock has been leading an energy transition at Sheridan College campuses that is having remarkable community benefits.

We often think about community energy planning at the scale of a municipality – a city or a town. However, the practice can be equally beneficial at the scale of a neighbourhood or campus.

My guest for this episode of Promethea Rising has led the development of Sheridan’s first campus energy and climate master plan in 2013. Since that time, Herb and his team have been changing the campus’s relationship with energy and substantially reducing emissions. Along the way, he saw the opportunity to engage the surrounding communities in a bigger conversation about sustainable city building.

Herb and his team have been building the future at Sheridan. This has taught them a lot about working in a market that is not quite ready for that future and what it takes to be a market disruptor.

Join for my next episode as we continue to interview people disrupting the status quo to build energy conscious communities.

More about: Herb Sinnock

More about: Sheridan’s Campus Energy and Climate Master Plan

Music and Audio Engineer: Avi Caplan

Marketing: Promosaurus