Welcome to Episode #99 of The Daily Interaction Show. Today’s solo show comes to you from a speech that I gave earlier this week. I just spoke at Women of Power Summit held this past Tuesday – teaser video here – and it was such an honor to speak to these amazing women who are […]

Welcome to Episode #99 of The Daily Interaction Show. Today’s solo show comes to you from a speech that I gave earlier this week. I just spoke at Women of Power Summit held this past Tuesday – teaser video here – and it was such an honor to speak to these amazing women who are finding their way from corporate to self-employment, which is one of my passions: How to go from a corporate employee to a successful entrepreneur.

The title of my talk was Lessons in Transition: Going from Corporate to Entrepreneur and the second half of my talk focused on the 5 secrets of creating massive success in your own business. These are secrets that I learned the hard way but I don’t want you to learn them that way. It was no fun! And that’s what I am going to share with you in today’s podcast.

And these are secrets that are going to take you some time to digest and to implement until you start to see the massive success and impact they can have in your business, so please do be patient, my dear. This is not a turn-key solution. This is a change that takes place in your heart first and your mind second before it even touches your business.

But when it does and when you put them to work, it’s more powerful and effective than anything else. It is the way to tap into your own creative genius and powerful inner wisdom. I have seen the results of these secrets to massive business success in my own company as well as for my students and clients.

Thinking about leaving that corporate job to start your own business? You need an exit plan first, darling. Hop over to Smart Exit Blueprint and grab the FREE gift I have to get you started..

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Top 5 Secrets to Creating Massive Business Success
1. Trust yourself and your decisions: You DO know best.

The problem starts with you not thinking big enough of yourself and that’s part corporate conditioning that happens after years of just being a follower of the rules and the systems laid before you. You second guess everything and have to run every simple thing by a whole team or by your boss. When you enter the entrepreneurial path, you are on your own, darling and you have GOT to trust yourself. Completely. Honestly. Totally.

And it starts with thinking bigger of yourself. You are not out to create a tiny itty biz with 3 clients and maybe a product down the road. Think bigger! Dream bigger. Create a massive vision and then you will work your way to it, and you will close the gap. But start with thinking big.

First, start to undo the conditioning of years of corporate and realize that your new business is not another job, there is no roadmap or blueprint if you want to leave your own unique footprint behind so allow your creative genius to come forth.

2. Get in the right frame of mind: The right mindset sets you up for success and the wrong one for failure. Simple as that.

Don’t make the colossal mistake of just going through the motions. You do not do everything from quitting your job to starting your business and offer products and services without first taking the time to adopt the right mindset. If you’ve been in corporate, you likely have a very limited mindset. You need to ADOPT and EMBRACE the NECESSARY mindset for success, which is that of abundance, possibilities, unlimited number of failures before you are met with success. And yes, you want to embrace it like your new best friend.

The good news is that you can learn the necessary mindset for success. Listen to seriously inspirational people and learn from their stories. Byron Katie. Tony Robbins. Robin Sharma, to name a few. Read books. And get away from negative toxic people who are so disgustingly pessimistic that you get depressed just walking within a mile of them.

3. Create a business or a company that completes your vision, not another job.

We get so busy, so ridiculously busy to get our company going that we lose sight of why we started it in the first place. You are not here to give yourself a job. You are here to create wealth. You are here to create an asset and a value that goes on long after you. You are here to make a difference and to fulfill a vision. But the job mindset is a condition from your employee experience and you need to ditch it when you come into this space.

Begin by recognizing this one in everything you do and identify what could be just a task that could deb handed off versus real effort toward fulfilling your vision. And as the brilliant saying goes, spend less time IN your business and more time ON your business.

4. Build massive wealth instead of chasing every dollar and cent.

You are not here to have a job, we covered that but you are also not here to chase every penny. Sure it’s exciting to make your first dollar but beyond that, think very careful what income streams you chase and whether that’s worth your time. Starting your own business is not easy but chasing the dollars is one of the most common mistakes of the new entrepreneur.

So in order to avoid this one and to be more in the wealth-building mindset – get over any money stigma issues first, make sure you have some runway with your savings so you are not paying every month’s bills and living paycheck to paycheck, and this helps you relax and think more long term about your business and hence your actions to fulfill those goals for the business.

5. Ask for help early on and invest in your support system instead of being a hero.

Listen, it’s heroic enough to start your own business, and I want to congratulate you on that, especially since it’s not likely that your friends and family exactly cheered you on as you made the decision. Let them go! This is your deal, honey! Your life, your path, your thing! But the secret is to stop being a hero and to start asking for help as soon as you need it. It takes courage to do this but it’s better than going to it solo and trying to figure everything out on your own.

You are not here to impress anyone. You are here to fulfill a vision and there are so many others who are more than happy to help you because figuring it out on your own will cost you time, money and more mistakes. Get in the right forums and support groups. Check out my online business survival kit. Find a mentor. Get into a mastermind group. Hire yourself a business coach. Understand the power of coaches. I adore my coaches and my own regret is that I did not invest in them sooner. And go on this journey with the right support group.

Use Your Inner Powers

Bonus: 21-Step Confidence Building Series