Lewis and Nick wrap up their ad hoc Bush month with "Team America: World Police" (2004) featuring their good old buddy Sal. A mindless, directionless piece of dumb-smart-guy satire, this musical puppet show does a disservice to both forms of media from which it borrows so liberally without offering anything of itself. Technical virtues aside, all political/cultural commentary is nothing better than what you'd get from a foul-mouthed fourth grader.

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"An Oral History of Wonder Showzen" by Brian Raftery: https://bit.ly/38PQZ7s

"The Predator and the Jokester" by Lauren Berlant: https://bit.ly/3pF5jVV

"Puppet Masters" by Heather Havrilesky: https://bit.ly/3536y9y

"Rivethead" by Ben Hamper: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/209768.Rivethead


"when the struggle itself becomes identified with a series of defeats" by 红山郡 (hongshanjun.bandcamp.com/album/-)

"Freedom Isn't Free" by Trey Parker
"America, Fuck Yeah" by Trey Parker