"The pod must post." Welcome, Fremen, to the Pro/Con review of "Dune" (1984), featuring guest host Cooper (@ Podcastcocooper). This infamous Lynchian feature is an odd beast, interminable and byzantine--which isn't necessarily a knock against it!--yet buckles beneath the scope of its source material. Nevertheless, there's plenty here for the Herbert neophyte and disciple alike. Prepare your soul for a spicy one, folks.

Cooper's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/podcastcocoopercherry

Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pro_con


"when the struggle itself becomes identified with a series of defeats" by 红山郡 (hongshanjun.bandcamp.com/album/-)

"To Tame a Land" by Iron Maiden