Thanks to all the listeners for tuning in. We are on episode 4! 

C-Los is a Laker hater. That’s it lol. Project Wolf Pack expresses their feelings to the Lakers losing game 5. Although they are CHAMPS, they are pretty upset about their loss.

What do you do to kill time at work? Legendary Rob and C-Los let ya’ll know what they can do for 4 hours. 

Are they any apps you feel have helped society the most? With out “Man-splaning” let us know. El Barbon, aka Grey Wolf, aka Slim Fat Boy, loves Amazon. Federico, aka Memnoc loves his gaming apps.

Who do you think has the most control in a relationship, men or women? The Agent lets ya’ll know her opinion.

Project Wolf Pack is having a costume party! Come join us. They all picked random costumes from a cup and have to show up to Legendary Rob’s house on October 31st with their appropriate costume.