A quick catchup on the Wellington weather, what's next for Project Tempest, and a couple of haunting adventure games.
https://www.failbettergames.com/sunless/ (Sunless Sea), in which Victorian-era London has been moved beneath the earth's surface to the edge of the Unterzee, a vast underground ocean.
http://kentuckyroutezero.com/ (Kentucky Route Zero), a magic realist adventure game, with deep shades of David Lynch. 
Find us at https://www.project-tempest.net/podcast (www.project-tempest.net/podcast)
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Get the acclaimed Project Tempest novella https://www.project-tempest.net/1862 (1862) free for a limited time at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1001614 (Smashwords)
Producer for this podcast is Kearin Armstrong.

A quick catchup on the Wellington weather, what's next for Project Tempest, and a couple of haunting adventure games.


Sunless Sea, in which Victorian-era London has been moved beneath the earth's surface to the edge of the Unterzee, a vast underground ocean.

Kentucky Route Zero, a magic realist adventure game, with deep shades of David Lynch. 


Find us at www.project-tempest.net/podcast

Subscribe on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Play or directly on Captivate. If you enjoy the Project Tempest podcast please consider rating it 5 stars, this really helps us out. Thanks!

Comments to [email protected]

Get the acclaimed Project Tempest novella 1862 free for a limited time at Smashwords

Producer for this podcast is Kearin Armstrong.