News, a mic pre shoot out between the Chandler Germanium and the Studio Projects VTB 1 and fantastic Viewer Mail!


Ugly VSTi host

Zen Soundcheck Audio Releases "Janus" Virtual Bass Amp

Waves Plugins Version 5.9 Is Here

iZotope Releases Universal Binary and Pro Tools 7 Updates

Celebrity Interview:

Hugo Ball is one of our fine listeners that originally wrote in to complain about something he didn't like on the show. So, we did what comes naturally, we made friends. It turns out that Hugo has quite the project studio and a passion for recording. He also happens to own one of the mic preamps I'm considering adding to my studio as part of my continuing gear conundrum, the Chandler Germanium.

But, is it worth spending over a $1,000 on a mic pre? How much better could it be than a decent lower priced unit? Well, Hugo has both so I convinced him to take a little gear trek, a mic pre shoot out for the benefit of all PSN listeners.

If you'd like to talk to Hugo about doing a voiceover for your project, you can e-mail him at this address: [email protected]

Here are the links to the raw wav files featured in the mic pre shootout:

Chandler GermaniumDistorted Guitars And Bass


Studio Projects VTB1Voiceover

Acoustic Guitar


Viewer Mail:

Judson Voss: Dave Jackson's School Of Podcasting

Get Real, The Real Estate Investing Show for the Rest of Us

Douglas McDonald: Real Traps Acoustic Videos

John Demetre: QuikWall For A Vocal Booth

Mark Rufino: Using Sonotubes As Bass Traps

Answer To Last Week's Trivia Question:

Q: One night in 1968, while Gary U.S. Bonds was playing at a club in New Jersey, he thought he'd give a local kid a break and invite him up onstage to do a number. Who did that kid turn out to be?

A: Bruce Springsteen!

A Special Award!

Adam Smith of Halifax, NS, Canada was the 100th person to put a pin in our Frappr map! We award him a complimentary copy of Guitar And Drum Trainer courtesy of Ryan Smith over at Congratulations Adam!

A Special Moment With Charles Dye!

Download the Charles Dye Ring Tone

See you next week!

Tags: music
recording studio
home studio
project studio
creative commons
guitar and drum trainer
solid state logic
bruce springsteen
chandler germanium
studio projects
dave jackson
ethan winer
school of podcasting

News, a mic pre shoot out between the Chandler Germanium and the Studio Projects VTB 1 and fantastic Viewer Mail!


Ugly VSTi host

Zen Soundcheck Audio Releases "Janus" Virtual Bass Amp

Waves Plugins Version 5.9 Is Here

iZotope Releases Universal Binary and Pro Tools 7 Updates

Celebrity Interview:
Hugo Ball is one of our fine listeners that originally wrote in to complain about something he didn't like on the show. So, we did what comes naturally, we made friends. It turns out that Hugo has quite the project studio and a passion for recording. He also happens to own one of the mic preamps I'm considering adding to my studio as part of my continuing gear conundrum, the Chandler Germanium.

But, is it worth spending over a $1,000 on a mic pre? How much better could it be than a decent lower priced unit? Well, Hugo has both so I convinced him to take a little gear trek, a mic pre shoot out for the benefit of all PSN listeners.

If you'd like to talk to Hugo about doing a voiceover for your project, you can e-mail him at this address: [email protected]

Here are the links to the raw wav files featured in the mic pre shootout:

Chandler GermaniumDistorted Guitars And Bass


Studio Projects VTB1Voiceover

Acoustic Guitar


Viewer Mail:

Judson Voss: Dave Jackson's School Of Podcasting

Get Real, The Real Estate Investing Show for the Rest of Us

Douglas McDonald: Real Traps Acoustic Videos

John Demetre: QuikWall For A Vocal Booth

Mark Rufino: Using Sonotubes As Bass Traps

Answer To Last Week's Trivia Question:
Q: One night in 1968, while Gary U.S. Bonds was playing at a club in New Jersey, he thought he'd give a local kid a break and invite him up onstage to do a number. Who did that kid turn out to be?

A: Bruce Springsteen!

A Special Award!
Adam Smith of Halifax, NS, Canada was the 100th person to put a pin in our Frappr map! We award him a complimentary copy of Guitar And Drum Trainer courtesy of Ryan Smith over at Congratulations Adam!

A Special Moment With Charles Dye!

Download the Charles Dye Ring Tone

See you next week!

Tags: music
recording studio
home studio
project studio
creative commons
guitar and drum trainer
solid state logic
bruce springsteen
chandler germanium
studio projects
dave jackson
ethan winer
school of podcasting