Yuri Astrakhan, co-founder of Map Libre, discusses the project's evolution from a fork of Mapbox to a community-driven initiative covering data generation, packaging, visualization, and more. The Map Libre ecosystem includes projects like Map Libre GJS, Map Libre RS, and Martin, a tile server supporting various formats. Yuri emphasizes the importance of community involvement, stability, and the challenges of maintaining both native C++ and JavaScript/TypeScript codebases. The talk explores Map Libre's achievements, goals, and advanced features like 3D terrain, contour maps, and future plans for Map Vector Tiles (MVT) with enhanced capabilities.


🗺️ Yuri Astrakhan presents Map Libre, a community-driven project evolving from a Mapbox fork.
🌐 Map Libre spans data bits to pixels, emphasizing community involvement, stability, and diverse projects.
🚀 Achievements include Map Libre GJS, Map Libre RS, Martin tile server, and successful community growth.
🌐 Challenges involve maintaining native C++ and JavaScript/TypeScript codebases for stability.
🌍 Map Libre explores advanced features like 3D terrain, contour maps, and Map Vector Tiles (MVT).
🔍 MVT enhancements include multiple M values, abandoning web mercator, and connecting with routing engines.
📈 Future goals encompass continuous development, unifying the stack, and supporting diverse font visualizations.
Video Tags
#FOSS4GNA #MapLibre #VectorTiles #CommunityDriven #OpenSource #MapVisualization #WebGL #3DTerrain #ContourMaps #MapVectorTiles #MapLibreRS #OpenGovernance #CommunitySupport #GIS #GeospatialData