FOSS4G NA 2023 panel discussion on "Open Science Meets FOSS4G" explores collaborative efforts between NASA, Earth Mover, NOAA, and Planet in advancing open science and utilizing open-source software.


🚀 NASA emphasizes open science, making data and software openly available. Initiatives include the Open-Source Science Initiative, establishing policies, incentives, challenges, and community engagement.
☁️ Earth Mover, a cloud data platform, focuses on making scientific data more accessible by leveraging open source Python tools, cloud infrastructure, and collaborative efforts like the Pangeo project.
🌐 NOAA's efforts involve collaboration with both open source and commercial communities to bridge gaps, making data accessible to a wider audience, and addressing challenges in transitioning to the cloud.
🛰️ Planet, rooted in open science, operates a satellite constellation for Earth imaging. The company collaborates with initiatives like Norway's Force to fund open data projects, aligning with their commitment to openness.

Video Tags:
#FOSS4G #OpenScience #NASA #EarthMover #NOAA #Planet #OpenSource #DataAccess #CloudInfrastructure #Collaboration #CommunityEngagement #PangeoProject #ScientificData #EarthImaging #OpenData #Innovation