#031: The topic for today’s episode is ‘traveling your way to a connection’ and needless to say, it is again a home run. The episode not only focuses on the importance of traveling but also highlights the importance of connections in our life. The people we meet, the people we interact with, leave a mark on our life. Since Paddy and Lucas are two people who have bonded extensively over traveling, this episode has a great deal of stories to unravel. Paddy takes us back to their time in Australia when they were out on an exchange program and what follows is a hilarious conversation that is sure to leave you in splits. Traveling your way to a new connection does not mean you have to go to the other side of the world just to meet new people. It could also refer to meeting someone interesting in your city and exploring the city from their eyes.Podcast show notes are available at https://www.projectdreammastery.com/session031

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