- Nick is joined by journalist Michael Brull, who discusses what has changed and what hasn't as a result of the government's new rhetoric around Islam and terrorism, in the wake of the Parramatta shooting. - Nick also elaborates on Turnbulls response to the shooting, analysing this reaction in terms of dominant narratives around the racial and religious basis for labelling and responding to terrorism. - How the love it or leave it mentality that has been promoted in the wake of the Parramatta shooting works against confronting some of the root causes of terrorism, such as Western imperialism and police racism. - The US airstrike on a Mdecins Sans Frontires hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz. - Islamophobia as the latest form of white supremacy in Australia. - For more information on this episode and for links to all of the stories and clips from it, go to: http://progressivepodcastaustralia.com/2015/10/13/112/