
1. B.A.X. - A View with the Vast Horizon - [One of a Kind] 

2. Leon Lobato - Hold Me - [Where the Heart is] 

3. Volen Sentir - Na Dvore Dozhd' - [Shanti Radio Moscow] 

4. Raw Main - Sacre Coeur - [Lost Miracle] 

5. Mustafa Ismaeel - Hindsight - [Rebellion] 

6. Juan Deminicis – Synchronicity – [Proton Music] 

7. Ercos Blanka – Kafka – [Sound Avenue] 

8. Abity – Beyond – [Particles]

9. End Of Twins – Prophet – [Beatfreak Recordings] 

10. Juan Ibanez - Valley of the Moon - [SLC-6 Music] 

11. Dabeat, Kamilo Sancelemente – Implant – [Mango Alley]

12. Alley SA – Voyage – [Rynth] 

Francisco was born in Villa María (Córdoba, Argentina), the city that gave him his musical training and that saw him grow through his unstoppable dedication. This has led him to accumulate more than 10 years as a DJ.

Within a few years of embarking on several of his residencies, he generated a combination of primordial passion for music and deep dedication to lovers of the dance floor. This allowed him to leave his mark as a DJ and share the booth with some renowned artists on the scene such as Mariano Mellino, Antrim, Ezequiel Arias, Fernando Ferreyra, Nacho Varela & Cruz Vittor, Kevin Di Serna, Matias Chilano, Berni Turletti, Analog Jungs, Mike Griego, Lucas Rossi, Dark Soul Project and many more.

It is the inspiration coming from some of these names that place him on the path of the sound that characterizes him today.

His selection skills led Francisco to be announced in 2021 as runner-up for Mix of The Year by 21C Progressive House (UK) and to have the opportunity to share the stage with artists such as Guy J, Guy Mantzur, Danny Howells, Darren Emerson, and Emi Galvan at the Summer Days festival in Dundee, Scotland.

Through his DJ Sets, his own monthly “Perceptions” Radioshow, or his Resident mix at Progressive House UK, he constantly connects a global community of artists and labels to enjoy the best house music.

But beyond his achievements and accolades, much deeper motivations move Francisco: as his career grows, so does his desire to give everything back to the scene that supports him along the way. Since 2018 he has been working at Flux, providing an essential platform that allows new stars to shine.


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