Danny Howells, a name that breaks conventional molds within the dance music industry, is back with an alluring new mix. Known as "the DJs' DJ", Danny has maintained his unwavering stature amidst the constantly evolving waves of the global house music scene since his emergence in the late '90s.

You won't find Danny playing the fame game, making music merely to "stay relevant". Instead, he is an artist who takes the less-trodden path, releasing tracks only when inspiration guides him. His presence in the social media sphere isn't overwhelming, and he isn't driven by the need for public attention.

Indeed, Danny does not hide behind alter egos or side projects and he doesn't chase an over-saturated DJ schedule. Rather, he has steadily navigated his course through the expansive ocean of house music. His enduring appeal as one of the most engaging selectors worldwide lies in this authentic journey.

What truly sets him apart? His unparalleled ability to select tracks that stand the test of time, his distinctive DJing style, and, of course, his smooth, skillful mixing. Brace yourselves for another captivating experience from Danny Howells; it's music in its most organic and captivating form.