Mills is kind of a legend of the London product and agency scene and co-founder and cultural hub of ustwo, the company behind (amongst others) the multi-award-winning game Monument Valley. 

Ustwo are now huge, with offices in several countries around the world and hundreds of employees, but 15 years ago Mills and Sinx, (the other one in us'two') didn't know what the hell they were doing.

Mills is now on his own journey of self discovery. We talk about what it means to have a good career, to build a business you want to work for, to find happiness and to recognise the need for change in order to get there.

Apologies for some wobbly sound, sirens and bumps - I wanted to get this pod out there in true JFDI (Just Fucking Do It, the name of Mills's pod) style.

Sponsor the pod!

I'm looking for sponsors for this podcast! I have a small but growing audience of designers and design leaders who may be looking for a new gig, or some new tools. So get in front of them for an absolute bargain basement price by emailing me at [email protected].



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