About Ryan

Ryan Carson has been a huge figure in tech and online learning for a long time now through his company Treehouse, but his journey to get there and onwards from this success story is a journey of learning about himself, what he loves and also his privilege.  From Carsonified, his tech conference startup based in the UK through Treehouse to Project unlock the American dream (training 100,000 Americans from diverse backgrounds into software engineering apprenticeships), he talks through his biggest challenge yet.

Ryan on twitter: https://twitter.com/ryancarson

Treehouse: https://teamtreehouse.com

Project unlock the american dream: https://projectunlocktheamericandream.org

Ryan's book recommendations

The New Jim Crow: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1595586431

Seeing White: https://www.amazon.com/Seeing-White-Introduction-Privilege-Race/dp/1442203080

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