On this episode of the Climate Changepreneurs podcast, we chat with Laura Francois who has been globally empowering startups, nonprofits and governments to maximize sustainability and use creativity in business as a force for good.

Laura is an award-winning social impact strategist, with her work has been featured on BBC World News, Forbes, Netflix, TedX, The Disruptive Design Festival (DIF) and Singapore Design Week.

She is the co-founder of The Spaceship, industry mentor to The Bridge Fashion Incubator in Singapore and Fashion for Good Mumbai, and is actively curating a book about art and the climate crisis."

Some of the topics that we discuss in the podcast include:

- How to create great narratives and effective storytelling around your climate startup.

- How to take on a systems thinking lens when fighting climate change or any other problem.

- How Art can be used as a catalyst in the climate change space.

- The importance of cross-pollination (learning about two different spaces and using the cross learnings from one to impact the other).

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/francoislaura/

The Spaceship Academy - https://www.thespaceship.org/