Stories we're following this morning at Progress Texas:

A Trump-appointed judge in Victoria will hear arguments over the Biden administration's humanitarian parole program, starting today:

Whistleblowers at Texas Health and Human Services allege errors and bad management have led to thousands of pregnant Texans and children losing Medicaid health coverage:

Prager U's backfiring announcement of Texas approval develops - they now say their nonsensical garbage is an "option" for Texas schools:

...While San Antonio ISD becomes the latest district to claim exemption from the new SRO law, citing funding and staffing limitations:

...And a new school chaplain law is pooh-poohed by...wait for it...a group of chaplains:

...And a throwback to the pandemic as an entire Texas school district shuts down over COVID cases:

Good environmental news as battery storage is credited for keeping the Texas power grid stable this summer:

...But bad environmental news as a hotly-contested lignite coal mining operation's expansion plans are approved by state regulators:

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