(3 of 11)

The third episode in conversation with Wendy Painting, author of Aberration in the Heartland of the Real: The Secret Lives of Timothy McVeigh. In this episode, we discuss McVeigh's experiences in the US army before and during his deployment in the First Gulf War. Wendy walks us through hell, discussing the conditions under which McVeigh fought and the things he saw, such as the Bulldozer Assault and the Highway of Death. Then, we discuss McVeigh's much-discussed tryout for US Special Forces and his stories around being inducted into a black ops team.

Wendy Painting's Kofi:


series art by @r.voy_ (building upon the original illustration by Bobby Joe Crouch

Bonus Episode 33 songs:

Peace Sells by Megadeth

50,000 Unstoppable Watts by Clutch

Informer by Snow


