Speaker, Storyteller, and Body Language Expert, Holley Mignosi helps speakers and experts increase their influence and impact through the art of Hypnotic Body Language and the Neuroscience of Storytelling.

Holley is on a mission to help experts share their Signature Story and express their Life Purpose with Passion, Presence, and Power. As a former modeling and acting coach for over 15 years, Holley imparts experts with proven charisma skills, storytelling techniques, and uncovers hidden talents tapping into their signature star power on stage.

Holley is the CEO and Founder of The Dynamic Dream Life Group Inc. She holds multiple certifications in mindset and physicality specialties such as Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, and Hypnotic Presentation Skills.

Welcome to Profitable Public Speaking, where we help you get more confident on stages, land more speaking engagements, and make money from each talk you give.

I'm your host Marc Guberti, the content marketer and podcasting coach who helps you grow your audience and revenue. I also help people launch their virtual summits and have launched 7 virtual summits myself.

If you want to see how we can work together, you can set up a free strategy call with me and we'll get down to business.

Thank you so much for joining me on Profitable Public Speaking. If you enjoy this episode, I'd be super grateful if you could leave a review and tell your friends about the podcast. It makes a big difference for the show.

Here are the key links from this episode:

Holley's site

15 Hottest Hand Gestures For Public Speaking Success

Leading Six-Figure Speakers FB Group