Anna Kitney is a spiritual consultant to high-performing entrepreneurs and leaders, an international speaker, a Theta Healing® Master Instructor, Practitioner, and Spiritual Life Coach. She is also the CEO of Bourgeon, the UK’s world-renowned Theta Healing® training organization.

– Profit-ology™ Podcast Episode 011 with Kelly O’Neil

Anna’s journey really began at age 23 when she attended her first Bob Proctor event, “Born Rich.” That was the beginning, but it wouldn’t be until her mother, an energy healer, helped her uncover the root of some lower back pain that her whole world opened up.

Anna helps entrepreneurs identify the deepest issue that is holding them back, and then works with them to clear those blockages so that everything magically falls into place.

Listen to this inspirational Profit-ology Podcast episode with Anna Kitney and discover:

● Why what appears to be the issue going on in your business is never truly the real issue

● How you are energetically blocking yourself

● Where to use God in your life, not just in business

● When you are energetically aligned, the profit takes care of itself

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Free Manifesting with Angels & Ascended Masters Training Video



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