Contact info
Tia Graham
Founder & Inspirationalist
Arrive At Happy – Corporate Leadership
Insta: @arriveathappy
Tia Graham is an Inspirationist, and the Founder of Arrive At Happy. She has worked with dozens of global companies such as Goldman Sachs, Hilton Hotels and Kashi to elevate engagement and drive bottom line results. With multiple certifications in neuroscience, positive psychology, leadership coaching, and employee morale she has supported leaders for four years at Arrive At Happy. Tia is also the host of the Arrive At Happy leaders show available on Spotify and iTunes. Prior to running aah!, she led sales & marketing teams at luxury hotels in the United States and Turkey for brands such as W Hotels, Westin, and The London. She has a Business Degree in Tourism from The University of Hawaii. She is widely regarded by the corporate happiness community and is a speaker at the annual World Happiness Summit. Her insights have been featured in national publications like Forbes, The Los Angeles Times, Well + Good, and Yoga Journal. As a Certified Chief Happiness Officer, she can help CEOs and Chief People Officers with Leadership and Employee Engagement to Experience Positive Culture Transformation through utilizing her evidence-based aah! Business Accelerator Program.
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