Here we are. At the end of Wrath of the Righteous - We're in for a good long discussion episode.

Now that the dust has settled over Golarion, the Wrath of the Righteous players get together to talk about the entire Adventure. Was it fun? Was it enjoyable? What did they dislike about the adventure, what were the best parts?

Say goodbye, farewell and good luck to Wrath of the Righteous, as this story has well and truly ended. And perhaps, listen in to hear hints about what will fill the Actual Play slot in the fortnightly rotation!

Hey listeners, I thought I'd give a shoutout to a cool event happening here in Canberra early 2018 - Check out QuestFest for a music festival of bands who feature historical and fantasy themed music. Lucky door prizes and a Best Costume competition on the night, head on down to drink some mead and rock out to some hard Metal. Click here for more detail:

Professor Jimbles' Dice Bag is a hobbyist podcast - We create episodes for fun! Please rate and subscribe on iTunes in your favourite app, and tweet your favourite parts to @ProfJimbles on Twitter. If you think anyone would enjoy listening to us, send them a link! If you think we're idiots, tell us so with a 5-star review in iTunes, I promise I'll read them and be sad.
Finally, you can always contact Jimbles and the crew on the facebook page: or at [email protected]