It seems Jimbles has misplaced (or accidentally deleted) Session 21 of Wrath of the Righteous.

Despite trying to recover it in a number of ways, it is gone forever, most likely due to human error.

This may make tonight's episode a little harder to understand. The players and Jimbles will do their best to recall exactly what happened when they get to the Demon's Heresy Review episode, but in brief:
*The heroes are called to the great hall of Drezen by their NPC allies. The council tells them that scouts appear to have noticed odd cultist movements to the west, and believe some sort of stronghold may be there.
*Ezra, however, received bad dreams of a lady needing help, images of a beautiful butterfly caged in glass, demonic hands reaching with pins to strike it down.
*The heroes elect to investigate the dreams, then the sanctum, setting off immediately. Travelling the Worldwound is difficult, and they suffer through a random encounter or two. It's not without reward though, and they find the Woundwyrm Scorizar's lair, looting it.
*The dreams do lead to a woman in trouble, but it's actually the redeemed succubus Arueshalae! Being beseiged by a hag with a Valley Girl accent, the Heroes of Drezen promptly elect to sneak over the walls and ignore most of the enemies, forcing conflict only after they fail to sneak Arueshalae out. Battle is drawn, and after a close victory (Garth nearly dies from Constitution loss.) they head back to Drezen; the succubus' fate not yet sealed.

I do hope this is sufficient. I am greatly, greatly sorry that you cannot experience the missing episode with us.

But now! To this episode!

The Adventurers stand with the Redeemed Succubus Arueshalae in front of the NPC council. How do they react to the demon in front of them? What is the sentence for multiple lifetimes of deeply regretted Evil?

Character Sheets: