We have a special treat, a new kind of "Not another actual play, please dear god" episode!
Today we interview an experienced force in the Roleplaying arena, to talk about a new, Kickstarted RPG.

Gareth Hodges of Cosm Games is here to talk one-on-one with Professor Jimbles about his team's game Crucible, a game of Diversity, Morality and Scope.

Jimbles is excited to hear about the design process and the unique quirks that makes Crucible the Indie RPG you should look out for.
Take a look at Cosm Games' webpage: http://cosmgames.com/ and the Crucible Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/814553083/crucible-coin-based-fantasy-rpg-of-evolving-morali/posts/1665911. Shoutout to Campaign Coins: campaigncoins.com/