Hello everyone! It's before midnight, so this episode is still on time. I'm honestly incredibly pleased with how well this year's episodes have going.

When we last left our heroes, they had successfully recovered Evenstrum's trusty belt knife from a band of goblins hellbent on taking the dagger for a "Dark, powerful ritual." However, the goblin's plans were cut short by the untimely arrival of a large grumpy bear. Recovering the blade, they travel on, ever closer to Farnest. Of course, what lies in wait for them there? A multitude of quests? A secret game between the 6 churches? Find out within!

Professor Jimbles' Dice Bag is a hobbyist podcast - We create episodes for fun! Please rate and subscribe on iTunes in your favourite app, and tweet your favourite parts to @ProfJimbles on Twitter. If you think anyone would enjoy listening to us, send them a link! If you think we're idiots, tell us so with a 5 star review in iTunes, I promise I'll read them and be sad. Finally, you can always contact Jimbles and the crew on the facebook page: www.facebook.com/ProfessorJimblesDiceBag/ or at [email protected]