Hey peeps, I hope you're ready for something we've been hinting at for MONTHS. This is the Covingridge Adventuring Party, with Luke, Sunshine, David, Michael and James being run through a very special Jimbles-envisaged world, using Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Rules.

This adventure is a different style to Wrath of the Righteous - A greater focus on personal drama, shared history, and the atmosphere of a world left open to the players to discover. All plotlines are made by Jimbles, and made worth listening to by the players.

I strongly suggest you check out the Facebook page for this adventure, because we have official character portraits by the talented FalseSecurity and a map by Jimbles, using https://inkarnate.com/. Delve deep into this world, because this is taking the Wrath of the Righteous spot for EIGHT AWESOME SESSIONS.

Also note - Avery Alder of Monsterhearts, Ribbon Drive, Dream Askew and The Quiet Year fame is creating an Emerging Designers Mentorship Program. If you want to get into this crazy-creative world, there is no better designer to learn from. Check out their website at https://buriedwithoutceremony.com/mentorship to learn more. If you don't have the time or inclination to be menteed, check out the page anyway, as there are ways to support Avery in this endeavour.

Professor Jimbles' Dice Bag is a hobbyist podcast - We create episodes for fun! Please rate and subscribe on iTunes in your favourite app, and tweet your favourite parts to @ProfJimbles on Twitter. If you think anyone would enjoy listening to us, send them a link! If you think we're idiots, tell us so with a 5 star review in iTunes, I promise I'll read them and be sad. Finally, you can always contact Jimbles and the crew on the facebook page: www.facebook.com/ProfessorJimblesDiceBag/ or at [email protected]