Stacey Ackerman recently implemented a scrum process in her household and her kids have bought in and help clean the house with minimal supervision.

Stacey Ackerman is the Scrum Mom, an agile coach, writer, speaker, entrepreneur, wife and mom of three humans and four cats. She does it all by using Scrum as her personal and professional framework. She believes there is a better way to work (and parent) and discusses both on her site at

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Key Takeaways The values of Scrum is more important than the implementation. In a retrospective, ask everyone about their cabbages and roses. That is, the things they didn't like and the things they did like about their day. Provide incentives that the team can buy into. Write down jobs that need to get done and allow the team (or kids) to pick from them. Allow the team to trade tasks so they don't get bored and feel pigeon-holed. 30-minute time-boxing daily gets a group making daily progress at the same time. Visual people want to see a board and lists. Stacey's process for implementing scrum at home: 1. Put on a timer for 30 minutes every day. 2. Sprint planning - 10 minuntes, postit notes & markers. Have the kids talk about all the things we need to get done. Let them write it, empowerment 3. Each child has a swim-lane on the on whiteboard. 4. Assign point values. 5. Hold a retrospective. What did you think of this? What worked, what didn't work?


Resources Mentioned HTP-24 Alphabet Soup of Agile Certifications and Why You Need to Understand them with Joe Vallone HTP-10 Be Curious and Ask Questions with Sarah Baca


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