Career Hyperdrive Course: Day 2

The Career Hyperdrive Course is a free 7 day email and audio course for technical professionals to help launch your career into hyperspace. Each module in this course is designed to help you overcome a major barrier to your career growth.

Here's what you're going to get out of the course.

The motivation you need to overcome your biggest career obstacles and navigate asteroids. Productivity tips to help you crush it at work without killing your personal life (leaving more time at the cantina). Jedi mind tricks that will build your respect and influence across the organization without needing to move into a management track. A droid masterclass that’s going to guide you through the process of selecting the right technology for the right problem, every time. Social engineering hacks to break into the elite inner circles and get a seat at the Jedi Council. A strategy that will raise your value (and salary) within your organization and increase your reputation and negotiation power across the galaxy. The peace of mind to unplug from the job without the guilt of leaving your friends to fight the Death Star on their own, or the fear and anxiety of being pursued by bounty hunters.


The audio lessons are available to everyone, but the action items and homework are exclusive to the students who subscribe to the email version of the course. (Hint: If you don't take action and do the homework, you're probably not going to change anything.)


Click here to enroll in the full course. It's completely free.


Module 2 How to 5x Your Output Without 5x the Hustle


Here's what you're going to learn in the second module of the Career Hyperdrive Course.

The biggest mistake people make when trying to increase their productivity. How to determine which balls you should be juggling, and which you're allowed to drop. How to say no to productivity killers without being a jerk. The personal story of how I worked 5x harder and was crushed to discover I had let everyone down in the process.