Today we talk to DP Marcus Cropp, Director Jesse Richards from Cummins and Partners and live streaming expert Aaron Maguire from Live Streaming Events and get three perspectives of the same socially distanced shoot.

Safety on set is gaining a number of new pointy angles at present, with productions forced to interpret and react to changed social distancing recommendations and ways of working. To help ruminate on this a bit further, we've decided to devote the next few episodes to what it means to have a 'safe set' during the COVID-19 crisis. 

In this episode our trio touch on remote shooting realities, new casting hacks, PPE precautions on set, as well as how to manage client/agency feedback over live-stream.

Marcus Cropp is a DP/Cinematographer based in Melbourne. Jesse Richards is a Content Director with Cummins and Partners. Aaron Maquire runs Live Streaming Events.