As producers, our job is to ask questions and get sh!# done. Sometimes this leads to us being a bit reactionary. We are confident in our “Why Not?” skills. We push to get permits, we push to get deals, and we push to execute the creative. 

But when things are asked of us, sometimes we just react. Our instincts can sometimes be that of just getting the answer, making the request happen, or getting the task off our list. Today we talk about asking “Why?” more often. Why do things need to happen the way they do? Is that just how it’s always been done? What’s the bigger picture behind the request? We are better at our job when we have the full story, so let’s embrace asking Why!

Don’t miss Office Hours with Sister and Lawrence. If you are new to the industry and have a question, or you are stuck in your career and need some advice, reach out to us. We’d be more than happy to have a chat. Email us at [email protected]

Topics: Asking Questions, Pushing Back, Anxiety, Therapy, Personal Care

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Christopher Daniels - Branding & Design Specialist

Kyle Puccia - Music Composer

Kyle Puccia - Music Composer

Eric Beels - Editor

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Sister Christian

Lawrence T. Lewis
Lawrence is also a professional Voice Over Talent and Actor. Listen to his VO reels here:

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