Proclamation! For the Third Sunday after Easter, Sunday, 1 May 2022

Jesus reveals himself again to the disciples after the resurrection.  This time, the disciples are fishing by the Sea of Tiberias. Jesus is on shore, near a charcoal fire with bread and fish cooking on it.  As they eat together, Jesus talks with them and asks Simon Peter three times, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?”  “Of course, I do!” Simon Peter replies.  Then Jesus explains what Simon Peter must do with that love. 

 St. Saviour’s Church, 43 Kimberley Avenue, Toronto, M4E 2Z4
 Email: [email protected]

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If you would like to speak with Reverend Shelley to have a conversation about life or faith, personal concerns or in the case of a pastoral emergency, please call the church office and a time can be arranged. 416-699-6512

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Email: [email protected] 

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If you would like to speak with Reverend Shelley to have a conversation about life or faith, personal concerns or in the case of a pastoral emergency, please call the church office and a time can be arranged. 416-699-6512

Tell your friends - Proclamation! Podcast is now available for free through iTunes.