"In this episode Eric sits down with Meg Hunter-Kilmer, an itinerant missionary and storyteller who travels around the world telling people about the fierce and tender love of God. You can find Meg at https://www.piercedhands.com/
As Meg shares her story, the conversion moves towards the importance of personal prayer in the mission. Making a commitment to spend time with Jesus everyday is necessary if we want to be commited to Holiness and to Mission.
DIscussion questions:
- What stood out to you most from this episode?
- While not everyone is called to be a travelling missionary like Meg, we are all called to mission. What might be your mission field?
- How have you committed to personal prayer?
- In what ways might you want to strengthen your personal prayer?
- Pray with Mark 3:13-18 and consider: Jesus chose you, is with you, and sends you out.
Proclaim is a movement of the Archdiocese of Vancouver inspiring disciples to proclaim Jesus in their homes and communities. The Proclaim podcast is a space where you listen to inspiring disciples talk all things around sharing Jesus with others, and learn how to step into your own missionary identity. To learn more about Proclaim, you can visit weareproclaim.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @weareproclaim"

"In this episode Eric sits down with Meg Hunter-Kilmer, an itinerant missionary and storyteller who travels around the world telling people about the fierce and tender love of God. You can find Meg at https://www.piercedhands.com/

As Meg shares her story, the conversion moves towards the importance of personal prayer in the mission. Making a commitment to spend time with Jesus everyday is necessary if we want to be commited to Holiness and to Mission.

DIscussion questions:

What stood out to you most from this episode?
While not everyone is called to be a travelling missionary like Meg, we are all called to mission. What might be your mission field?
How have you committed to personal prayer?
In what ways might you want to strengthen your personal prayer?
Pray with Mark 3:13-18 and consider: Jesus chose you, is with you, and sends you out.

Proclaim is a movement of the Archdiocese of Vancouver inspiring disciples to proclaim Jesus in their homes and communities. The Proclaim podcast is a space where you listen to inspiring disciples talk all things around sharing Jesus with others, and learn how to step into your own missionary identity. To learn more about Proclaim, you can visit weareproclaim.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @weareproclaim"