We continue our Intentional Accompaniment series with Proclaim Director, Eric Chow and CCO Missionary, Michael Hall. In this series, they break down CCO's model of Intentional Accompaniment - an essential skill for missionary disciples. In this episode, Eric and Michael discuss the stages of trust, curiousity, openness, and seeking in accompaniment.
Discussion Questions:
What are your takeaways from this episode? What stood out to you the most?
In his book, “Intentional Accompaniment”, Michael writes that “if [the Gospel] isn’t shared in a relationship of trust, our best intentions may not matter. Others will not be able to receive it because they don’t trust us or our intentions”. This quote rings so true especially in evangelization. If those we accompany don’t trust us, our message may be lost in translation. How can we, as leaders, build on “strengthening our trust meter” with others?
While discussing the stage of trust, Eric and Michael touch on the idea of “moving in the speed of [your mentee’s] trust”. Others may open up easily while others may have wounds that prevent them from opening up? Have you experienced this before? What helped you in opening up to our mentor? What helped you gained the trust of your mentee?
Out of the four stages of intentional accompaniment: trust, curiosity, openness, and seeking, which one do you think others have the hardest time with? Which areas do you think you struggled with in your journey with conversion? How can you use what you have learned to those around you?
Michael Hall is the author of "Intentional Accompaniment" and a missionary with Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO). You can learn more about the Intentional Accompaniment model at CCO.ca and order Michael's book at store.cco.ca.
Proclaim is a movement of the Archdiocese of Vancouver inspiring disciples to proclaim Jesus in their homes and communities. The Proclaim podcast is a space where you listen to inspiring disciples talk all things around sharing Jesus with others, and learn how to step into your own missionary identity. To learn more about Proclaim, you can visit weareproclaim.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @weareproclaim.

We continue our Intentional Accompaniment series with Proclaim Director, Eric Chow and CCO Missionary, Michael Hall. In this series, they break down CCO's model of Intentional Accompaniment - an essential skill for missionary disciples. In this episode, Eric and Michael discuss the stages of trust, curiousity, openness, and seeking in accompaniment.

Discussion Questions:

What are your takeaways from this episode? What stood out to you the most?
In his book, “Intentional Accompaniment”, Michael writes that “if [the Gospel] isn’t shared in a relationship of trust, our best intentions may not matter. Others will not be able to receive it because they don’t trust us or our intentions”. This quote rings so true especially in evangelization. If those we accompany don’t trust us, our message may be lost in translation. How can we, as leaders, build on “strengthening our trust meter” with others?
While discussing the stage of trust, Eric and Michael touch on the idea of “moving in the speed of [your mentee’s] trust”. Others may open up easily while others may have wounds that prevent them from opening up? Have you experienced this before? What helped you in opening up to our mentor? What helped you gained the trust of your mentee?
Out of the four stages of intentional accompaniment: trust, curiosity, openness, and seeking, which one do you think others have the hardest time with? Which areas do you think you struggled with in your journey with conversion? How can you use what you have learned to those around you?

Michael Hall is the author of "Intentional Accompaniment" and a missionary with Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO). You can learn more about the Intentional Accompaniment model at CCO.ca and order Michael's book at store.cco.ca.

Proclaim is a movement of the Archdiocese of Vancouver inspiring disciples to proclaim Jesus in their homes and communities. The Proclaim podcast is a space where you listen to inspiring disciples talk all things around sharing Jesus with others, and learn how to step into your own missionary identity. To learn more about Proclaim, you can visit weareproclaim.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @weareproclaim.