Welcome to Episode 27 of Process to Profitability. This week’s episode is all about setting goals and planning your website before you design.

We’ve all heard about goal setting in our business and you may have tried to do some yourself, whether successfully or not, but when it comes to website design, many of us don’t consider setting goals for our site before we sit down and design. As I have been learning more and more about strategic website design and working with clients, I’ve learned that this is a really important first step to getting your website right the first time.

If your website isn’t working to help you meet your business goals, then it’s really not working for you.

Topics Discussed:

Why it’s important to set goals in your business for your website How to set a goal for your website Questions to ask when setting a goal for your website: If your website could do just one thing, what would it be? What steps do your dream clients need to take in order to take action? Working backwards, what is first step someone should take on your website? Questions to ask before starting to design: Does your website focus on your core purpose? Is the main goal of your website what you’re actually promoting? Are you addressing your dream client? Is everything on your website consistent? How to reach your dream clients in the simplest way possible Sharing your purpose through what you make most important The importance of incorporating design for your dream clients and a style that fits you The different types of goals you may choose for your website Growing an email list Sharing content and educating your audience Booking consult calls with your dream clients Selling a certain product or course How knowing your goal will help you design your website to convert more Creating a sitemap to help you make sure you have every page you need on your website Planning your website functionality for what you need now and your big future goals Why you need to focus on what you’re sharing the services you offer Best practices for setting goals and planning your website design Include two forms of contact Use a professional email address Have a goal for each page of your website and lead people to the next step with a call-to-action Keep the focus of your About page on your dream clients Have one idea or message on each page Automate as much as possible Define your success metrics Why keeping your website as easy to use as possible will serve your audience better

Resources Discussed:

Interview with Maria Carras My Toolbox Get Legit Guide