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Benjamin Hansen talks about how legalizing marijuana in some states affects cross-state sales of the drug.

"Federalism, Partial Prohibition, and Cross-Border Sales: Evidence from Recreational Marijuana" by Benjamin Hansen, Keaton Miller, and Caroline Weber.


“Medical Marijuana Laws, Traffic Fatalities, and Alcohol Consumption” by Mark D. Anderson, Benjamin Hansen, and Daniel I. Rees.

“Early Evidence on Recreational Marijuana Legalization and Traffic Fatalities” by Benjamin Hansen, Keaton Miller, and Caroline Weber.

“Do Medical Marijuana Laws Increase Hard Drug Use?” by Yu-Wei Luke Chu.

“The Effect of Medical Marijuana Laws on Adolescent and Adult Use of Marijuana, Alcohol, and Other Substances” by Janet Cummings, Jason Hockenberry, and Hefei Wen.

“The Effect of Alcohol Availability on Marijuana Use: Evidence from the Minimum Legal Drinking Age” by Benjamin Crost and Santiago Guerrero.

“Medical Marijuana Laws and Teen Marijuana Use” by Mark D. Anderson, Benjamin Hansen, and Daniel I. Rees.

“Association of Marijuana Laws with Teen Marijuana Use: New Estimates from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveys” by Mark D. Anderson, Benjamin Hansen, Daniel I. Rees, and Joseph J. Sabia.

“Medical Marijuana Laws and Adolescent Marijuana Use in the USA from 1991 to 2014: Results from Annual, Repeated Cross-Sectional Surveys” by Magdalena Cerdá, Tianshu Feng, Sandro Galea, Deborah S Hasin, Katherine M Keyes, Patrick M O'Malley, Rosalie Pacula, John Schulenberg, and Melanie Wall.

“The Effects of Recreational Marijuana Legalization and Dispensing on Opioid Mortality” by Jesse Burkhardt, Nathan W. Chan, and Matthew Flyr.

“Do Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Addictions and Deaths Related to Pain Killers?” by Mireille Jacobson, Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, and David Powell. 

“Is Legal Pot Crippling Mexican Drug Trafficking Organisations? The Effect of Medical Marijuana Laws on US Crime.” by Evelina Gavrilova, Takuma Kamada, and Floris Zoutman.

“Playing with Fire: Cigarettes, Taxes, and Competition from the Internet” by Austan Goolsbee, Michael F. Lovenheim, and Joel Slemrod.

“Using Littered Pack Data to Estimate Cigarette Tax Avoidance in NYC.” by Howard Chernick and David Merriman.

“The Micro-Geography of Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Littered Cigarette Packs in Chicago.” by David Merriman.

“Tax Revenues When Substances Substitute: Marijuana, Alcohol, and Tobacco.” by Keaton Miller and Boyoung Seo.

“Are Our Hopes Too High? Testing Cannabis Legalization’s Potential to Reduce Criminalization” by Ed Rubin.

“Officer Discretion in Vehicle Stops and Searches.” by Annalise Helm and Benjamin Hansen [draft in preparation].

“Regressive Sin Taxes with an Application to the Optimal Soda Tax." by Hunt Alcott, Benjamin B. Lockwood, and Dmitry Taubinsky.