Well here we are. Nearly two and a half years of thrills and spills on Thunder Road, and we FINALLY reach the end of 1998 WCW. To put it mildly, Starrcade 1998 is a milestone for us and in the history of WCW, so we hope you enjoy it. On the show:

*A thrilling opening match

*Details on how YOU can get involved in helping us celebrate our end of 1998 awards next episode

*Another video package that makes it seem like someone died

*The end of The Streak.

We’ll be back on Thunder Road in two weeks for the 1998 Thundies, and encourage people to watch the shows along with us and send us any thoughts or memories. You can drop us an email at either [email protected] or [email protected].

Please feel free to follow us on Twitter twitter.com/wcwthunderpod and continue the Thunder chat!

Our blog 'Beyond The Thunder Road' is at wcwthunderpod.wordpress.com where you can expect new content eventually, and we are now on Instagram at instagram.com/wcwthunderpod

You can also follow Dave twitter.com/thedaytodave or Lee twitter.com/malone_713

Special thanks to Keith Broni for the podcast art.

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