2016 has been tough for a lot of people, and what with politics, the economy, Daylight Savings Times in the northern hemisphere, and so on, a lot of people are feeling bleak right now. So when Emily Chappell suggested we podcast on how the women's cycling world is changing for the better, and how we can all have positive impacts on that, I jumped at the chance.

We talked about Emily's own year - winning the women's TransContinental race (read her blog about that!), and her other successes (including having her book published) and also about the Adventure Syndicate. I can't quote believe it hasn't been around for even a year, but wow, those women have done so many great things. All this, and more - including Emily's and my pledges for our own 2017 cycling challenges (Emily says she'll try cyclocross, if someone will show her how, so if that's you, get in touch with her!).

Click through to my blog for the usual ton of links.