Rich Nosworthy shares his latest tutorials getting started compositing in Blackmagic Fusion quickly and easily. A great way to learn a powerful free compositing application. Octane 4 is also discussed and what it means for the 3D community.


Show Notes: Compiled by Matt Lloyd

01.40 - Blackmagic Fusion tutorials by Rich Nosworthy

03.00 - Pros and cons of releasing software for free/low price

05.40 - The idea behind Rich’s quick start Fusion tutorial

06.25 - The content of the tutorial

08.20 - Software agnosticism: using the best tool for the job

10.40 - Tutorial 2: Redshift multipass comps with Fusion

12.44 - A warm endorsement of Redshift customer service

13.30 - Otoy: Octane 4 and Brigade

15.20 - Some of the disadvantages of Octane 3 have been improved

15.50 - “Out of core” geometry

16.21 - Otoy CEO Jules Urbach on Brograph

17.45 - David Ariew

18.20 - AI lighting, scenes and denoiser in render engines

20.00 - Understanding point lights in unbiased render engines

21.00 - Otoy Octane 4 release video

21.30 - Octane 4 is a free upgrade from 3 standalone, and the monthly subscription now allows up to 20 GPUs.

22.00 - Free Subscription with a 2 GPU limit

23.00 - Otoy’s use of the new RNDR blockchain service

24.00 - See Brograph on this topic

25.00 - Blockchain will influence business models across the board, including 3d graphics.

27.10 - Rich’s latest project with Tom O’Neil, director of Narcos titles

27.30 - Yambo studio, Tel Aviv work with many remote artists around the world.

28.05 - Rich’s Node 2017 presentation: a Redshift primer

31.00 - The importance of fundamental techniques and concepts, which can then be applied in the software of your choice.

33.00 - “Roundtripping” between different packages to harness the strengths of each package. Eg After Effects-to-Mocha-to-After Effects

34.00 - Martin from BorisFX episode

34.40 - By comparison, Fusion has really solid tracking, keying and compositing in one package.

35.00 - Roto and cleanup is much more efficient in a node based compositor such as Fusion or Nuke or Natron


35.30 - ProVideoPicks:

CGWiki - Houdini education 

36.50 - Houdini: the software of the moment 

39.12 - Inspirational video:


40.22 - Sources of Inspiration:




Rich Nosworthy shares his latest tutorials getting started compositing in Blackmagic Fusion quickly and easily. A great way to learn a powerful free compositing application. Octane 4 is also discussed and what it means for the 3D community.


Show Notes: Compiled by Matt Lloyd

01.40 - Blackmagic Fusion tutorials by Rich Nosworthy

03.00 - Pros and cons of releasing software for free/low price

05.40 - The idea behind Rich’s quick start Fusion tutorial

06.25 - The content of the tutorial

08.20 - Software agnosticism: using the best tool for the job

10.40 - Tutorial 2: Redshift multipass comps with Fusion

12.44 - A warm endorsement of Redshift customer service

13.30 - Otoy: Octane 4 and Brigade

15.20 - Some of the disadvantages of Octane 3 have been improved

15.50 - “Out of core” geometry

16.21 - Otoy CEO Jules Urbach on Brograph

17.45 - David Ariew

18.20 - AI lighting, scenes and denoiser in render engines

20.00 - Understanding point lights in unbiased render engines

21.00 - Otoy Octane 4 release video

21.30 - Octane 4 is a free upgrade from 3 standalone, and the monthly subscription now allows up to 20 GPUs.

22.00 - Free Subscription with a 2 GPU limit

23.00 - Otoy’s use of the new RNDR blockchain service

24.00 - See Brograph on this topic

25.00 - Blockchain will influence business models across the board, including 3d graphics.

27.10 - Rich’s latest project with Tom O’Neil, director of Narcos titles

27.30 - Yambo studio, Tel Aviv work with many remote artists around the world.

28.05 - Rich’s Node 2017 presentation: a Redshift primer

31.00 - The importance of fundamental techniques and concepts, which can then be applied in the software of your choice.

33.00 - “Roundtripping” between different packages to harness the strengths of each package. Eg After Effects-to-Mocha-to-After Effects

34.00 - Martin from BorisFX episode

34.40 - By comparison, Fusion has really solid tracking, keying and compositing in one package.

35.00 - Roto and cleanup is much more efficient in a node based compositor such as Fusion or Nuke or Natron


35.30 - ProVideoPicks:

CGWiki - Houdini education 

36.50 - Houdini: the software of the moment 

39.12 - Inspirational video:


40.22 - Sources of Inspiration:






41.28 - Following online:

Liam Wong

Anthony Scott Burns

Styleframes NYC for Tendril


43.16 - Follow Rich online:



43.53 - Rich’s experiments and side projects

44.30 - Rich’s chrome bike, made in MOI


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