Clinton is joined by Stephanie Gray, an international pro-life speaker to talk about her recent book Love Unleashes Life, as well as her recent talk at Google, Abortion: From Controversy to Civility.

Books mentioned on this episode:

Love Unleashes Life by Stephanie Gray.
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
Persuasive Pro-Life by Trent Horn

Articles alluded to on this episode:

"On the Very Idea of Criteria for Personhood" by Timothy Chappell -- this is the article I was alluding to, in which Chappell argues that personhood isn't something to just happen to a person, but like our human development, it matures and develops over time and we need good examples of persons in our lives in order to fully flourish as persons.

Clinton is joined by Stephanie Gray, an international pro-life speaker to talk about her recent book Love Unleashes Life, as well as her recent talk at Google, Abortion: From Controversy to Civility.

Books mentioned on this episode:

Love Unleashes Life by Stephanie Gray.
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
Persuasive Pro-Life by Trent Horn

Articles alluded to on this episode:

"On the Very Idea of Criteria for Personhood" by Timothy Chappell -- this is the article I was alluding to, in which Chappell argues that personhood isn't something to just happen to a person, but like our human development, it matures and develops over time and we need good examples of persons in our lives in order to fully flourish as persons.