Previous Episode: PG 108: Conkicko
Next Episode: PG 110: To Bang An Uso

We ran down the past week in WWE before giving our predictions for the first-ever NXT UK TakeOver event. Our discussions include: Seth burns it down by eliminating HHH's water intake; Sasha is up next and it's about damn time; the New Bryan is forcing hot dog throw sells; Shane still doesn't understand himself, though luckily Miz does; the women of SmackDown are still amazing; Alexander/Itami is yet another great 205 Live match you missed; Aleister scares Ciampa with a video; EC3 and Nikki bid NXT adieu (for nieu); the Street Profits can cut a promo anywhere on anything; Rowe and Logan are married vikings and that's canon; Worlds Collide should be awesome (when we get to see it); watching Ospreay vs. WALTER got us more ready for TakeOver: Blackpool than we realized; hoping for the best from Bate, Seven, Dunne, Gallus, Ripley, and the rest of the NXT UK crew. Can we go back to one episode a week now, please? Please?