Send in your question via text to 1-800-485-3139.

Question #1 (02:26): We've posted sermon clips before on Instagram Reels. They haven't gained a ton of traction. What are we doing wrong?

Question #2 (07:13): Your sermon clip system for social media is just using business tactics that don't belong in church. Pathetic.

Question #3 (13:05): One concern I have about posting our sermons on social is that they may be too insider-focused. What should I post for people we're trying to reach if I'm already posting sermons?

Question #4 (20:16): Brady, I've had enough of your rambling - just give us the flipping formula - Alexander Mills

So like I promised, you can download this entire formula in template form. The template is called The 1-Page Church Social Media Plan and you can download that at In next week's episode, the final in our trio of three dedicated to social media in 2023, we're going to cover the second part of our SocialSermon Formula which is the edit. And as you might have guessed, that's dedicated to the actual video editing side of preparing your SocialSermons. We'll be talking about the three sections of your video edit, some key tools and plugins you'll wanna consider using, the finishing touches you'll want to apply on every SocialSermon, and more. That's all in next week's show. Talk to you then.