Today, I want to share with you fifteen books that will benefit every church leader. The twist? None of these books are written by church leaders themselves. Instead, the authors are business leaders, financial experts, FBI hostage negotiators, NAVY Seals, and more. And while their vocations may differ from yours, that’s the point! Because the wisdom within these books is applicable anywhere. And by the end of this episode, you’ll surely have a couple of new books to add to your reading list.




What's In This Session?

Moneyball example (0:39) Everything Is A Remix (2:02) #1. Tuesday’s with Morrie, Mitch Albom (3:21) #2. Extreme Ownership, Jocko Willink (4:08) #3. One Minute Manager, Ken Blanchard (4:54) #4. The E-Myth Revisited, Michael E. Gerber (5:25) #5. It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Work, Jason Fried (7:18) #6. An astronauts guide to life on earth, Chris Hadfield (7:57) #7. Atomic Habits, James Clear - Habits determine your destiny (9:00) #8. The Power Of Habit, Charles Duhigg (9:02) #9. Never Split The Difference, Chris Voss (10:10) #10. I Will Teach You To Be Rich, Ramit Sethi (12:14) #11. The Latte Factor, David Bach (13:40) #12. The Little Book Of Common Sense Investing, John Bogle (15:30) #13. Steal The Show, Michael Port (17:49) #14. Abundance, Peter Diamandis - A case for optimism (18:57) #15. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, CS Lewis (19:38)


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