Season 2 launches with a fresh take on the issues facing pro cheerleaders by getting the male perspective! Join your hosts, Brittany and Mhkeeba, Anthony Corley (Brittany’s husband) and close friends Anthony Fisher (from Atlanta), Andrew Myrick and Nate Johnson for an in-depth discussion on everything from why male pro athletes haven’t spoken up to support pro cheerleaders, to what the standards for body types should be for both male and female cheerleaders. 

Cheer Chat introduces Wonder Woman Wednesday, a weekly shout out of a pro cheerleader who is an unsung hero on the squad, and why listeners need to help Brittany and Mhkeeba find these hidden gems by nominating their own #WWW. This episode’s Locker Talk is about all the thoughts that run through the guys’ heads when they watch pro cheerleaders perform - that is if they are even watching!


Told I Was Too Fat To Dance | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

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