The Future of Public Transportation is Here Now!
Transportation is a personal issue shared by us all. To get around, shop, commute, get to the airport, we use a combination of cars, buses, trains, however, all have their share of drawbacks from wasted time in traffic, pollution, and 30%-50% of urban land is dedicated just for transportation.
Transit X builds and operates privately financed public transit podways that can transform cities and metropolitan areas to be green and walkable.
A podway is an automated transit network with the convenience, capacity, and cost to replace cars, buses, trains, trucks, ferries, and short flights. Transit X is the silver bullet for transportation.
Our guest, Mike Stanley, Founder of Transit X will enlighten us how ‘podways’ can safely provide the convenience and privacy we have in our cars, the high capacity achieved with buses and trains, the time compression from planes and is as sustainable to our environment as bicycles.
Learn more at:

Show Host: Artie Ruderman

The Business Developers Network where today’s leading business developers share and learn innovative business development concepts to generate greater value for their businesses. Broadcasting LIVE from the Pro Business Channel studios in Atlanta.

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