Team Rubicon and Bonus RUUM Discuss Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief on the Rich Hart Show

Joe Messere
Deputy Director of Region Operations, Southeast 
Team Rubicon USA

About Joe:
NonProfit Executive, Veteran, Entrepreneur. Making a difference in people's lives every day through disaster response and veteran reintegration. Passionate for our dual mission of disaster relief and veteran reintegration. Accountable for implementation of national programs, division strategies, and meeting regional recruiting, training and engagement goals. Ensures sustained readiness, growthand engagement of the volunteer base within the region. Drives excellence, innovation and communication among the regional team, with and across state teams, and with other regions. Accelerates regional development through process creation, standardization, training, and distribution of case studies and best practices.


About Team Rubicon USA:

Team Rubicon focuses on serving vulnerable and at-risk populations affected by disaster. While the initial damage and trauma of natural disasters will impact any population regardless of socio-economic factors, the financial burden of recovery and rebuilding has dramatic and long-lasting repercussions on many rural and urban populations lacking proper insurance and public and private resources.

All Team Rubicon services are provided free of charge.
In 2016, 62 percent of all homes Team Rubicon serviced did not have home insurance. An American Progress report noted that the most extreme weather events typically harmed counties with household incomes below the U.S. median annual income of $51,941. Wildfires, tornadoes, and severe thunderstorms devastated areas with households that earned on average three percent less than the U.S. median income. It is easy to imagine the positive, long-term impact Team Rubicon’s free assistance provided to these families.

Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams. Team Rubicon’s primary mission is providing disaster relief to those affected by natural disasters, be they domestic or international. By pairing the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders, medical professionals, and technology solutions, Team Rubicon aims to provide the greatest service and impact possible.

Through continued service, Team Rubicon seeks to provide our veterans with three things they lose after leaving the military: a purpose, gained through disaster relief; community, built by serving with others; and identity, from recognizing the impact one individual can make. Coupled with leadership development and other opportunities, Team Rubicon looks to help veterans transition from military to civilian life.

Serving the Underserved
Across the world, disasters are a part of life. No corner of the globe is spared from severe weather – be it crippling winter storms, catastrophic hurricanes, or unchecked wildfires.

By focusing on underserved or economically-challenged communities, Team Rubicon seeks to makes the largest impact possible. Disasters represent a massive financial cost, and by providing immediate relief work, free of cost, TR aims to help communities begin recovery sooner.

Topics to Discuss:
Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief

Web Site / Linkedin / Social Media Links:

Connect with Joe Messere

Chet Tischer, Owner
Bonus RUUM

About Chet:
 Manage all aspects of custom home construction as well as multiple remodeling projects focused primarily
on the challenges of multi-generational living
 Provided cost saving measures on each project resulting in positive cash flow on every project

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